Home >> VERBAL LOGIC PART 2 >> q15-parajumbles



A. With that, I swallowed the shampoo, and obtained the most realistic results almost on the spot.
B. The man shuffled away into the back regions to make up a prescription, and after a moment I got through on the shop-telephone to the Consulate, intimating my location.
C. Then, while the pharmacist was wrapping up a six-ounce bottle of the mixture, I groaned and inquired whether he could give me something for acute gastric cramp.
D. I intended to stage a sharp gastric attack, and entering an old-fashioned pharmacy I asked for a popular shampoo mixture, consisting of olive oil and flaked soap


The correct option is A DCBA
Option A

This is more of a little story. D gives a preview of this episode and hence is the starting sentence. C follows with starting the sequence of events from the protagonist's actions, the pharmacist's reaction (B) and the events ending in statement (A)

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