Home >> VERBAL LOGIC PART 2 >> q7-parajumbles



A. Such a national policy will surely divide and never unite the people.
B. In fact, it suits the purpose of the politicians; they can drag the people into submission by appealing to them in the name of religion.
C. In order to inculcate the unquestioning belief they condemn the other states which do not follow their religion.
D. The emergence of the theocratic states where all types of crimes are committed in the name of religion, has revived the religion of the Middle Ages.


The correct option is  DBCA
Option (b)

(D) Begins the paragraph by explaining the meaning and emergence of theocratic states. (B) Explains the trick followed by politicians. (C) Shows how politicians act, the "they" in the sentence, refers to "politicians" (A) concludes the paragraph by explaining the impact of such a national policy.

Alternate Method:-

Statement D will be an opening statement because other statements have pronouns in them. Hence we eliminate answer options "A" and "D". Now in both the answer options, statement "D" is followed by statement "B". Statement B talks about politicians. We have statement C having a pronoun "they" which refers logically to politicians. Hence B is followed be C. Moreover, the national policy of condemning of states on the basis of religion will divide people. Hence we have answer option "B".

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